CPP30321 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations

Course Description

This qualification reflects the role of cleaners responsible for undertaking a range of routine and non-routine tasks according to work schedules, liaising with clients and in some cases members of the public, and operating in a range of general residential and commercial settings as well as specialist cleaning environments.

The cleaner may work alone, with or without supervision, and has responsibility for selecting, preparing and using appropriate cleaning methods for a range of cleaning situations while ensuring safe work practices.

Course requirements

To achieve this qualification, competence must be demonstrated in 14 units of competency consisting of:

  • 5 core units

  • 9 elective units

Electives are to be selected as follows:

9 units from the electives listed below

Up to 2 of the 9 elective units may be selected from any current Training Package qualification or accredited course, provided:

  • they contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome

  • maintain the integrity of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) alignment

  • do not duplicate the outcome of another unit chosen to achieve the qualification

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.


On successfully completion of this course you will receive a Nationally Recognised Qualfication in CPP30321 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations.